Lines, Lines, Lines!!!
This 41-minute tutorial specifically explains the line types I use when freehand drawing. Lines covered and defined are: Cut, Shut, Part, Assembly, Contour, Section, Design, Graphic, Silhouette, Sketch, Overlapping, Reflection, and Fillet/Radius. I explain these line types by showing my own past sketches, 11 of which are included with the tutorial, and by drawing several of the line types via simple quick sketching demos. This tutorial is a foundation-level tutorial intended for anyone who loves to draw form with line and would like to understand and improve the variety of lines they can use when doing that. The AV recording is at 720p resolution and the sketches were scanned at 400dpi. If you own my book, How To Draw, this tutorial reinforces and builds on what's in that book. Thanks again for your support and helping to get the word out about this Gumroad account.