UK Buy-to-let Property Investment Calculator

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Start making more money from your property investments today with the UK Buy-to-let Property Investment Calculator

Designed by property investors,
for property investors

Super simple to get started and use

Built on Excel, our investment calculator is intuitive and easy to use. You don't have to spend hours learning complicated software or dealing with clunky interfaces. Our tool is designed to simplify your investment journey and give you more time to focus on what matters most.

The All-in-One Solution for Property Investors

Our tool comes packed with exclusive features that set us apart from the competition. From our powerful mortgage calculator and financial analysis tools to our forecasting capabilities, our product is designed to be the all-in-one solution for your investment needs. Plus, with our one-click deal sheets and comprehensive financial analysis, you'll have everything you need to make informed decisions and maximize your ROI.

With Unlimited lifetime help and support

We understand that investing in property can be challenging, which is why we offer unlimited lifetime support with our tool. Our expert team is available to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have, ensuring that you get the most out of our product.

Top features

Manage 100's of deals and investments concurrently

Our Excel-based Buy-to-Let property investment calculator allows you to manage and track up to 100 deals with ease. Our user-friendly interface lets you add and edit deals effortlessly, so you can keep your investments organized and profitable.

Property research and analysis

Our comprehensive property research tool allows you to analyse market trends and compare properties, giving you the insights you need to find your next profitable investment. With our tool, you'll be able to evaluate potential returns and make informed investment decisions.

Mortgage deposit and payments calculator

Our powerful mortgage calculator allows you to calculate your mortgage payments quickly and easily. With accurate calculations and customizable inputs, you'll be able to make informed decisions about your investment's financials.

Financials and deal fundamental calculations

Our investment calculator provides accurate calculations of expenses, income, taxes, and more, giving you a full picture of your investment's financials. You'll be able to analyse deal fundamentals, including net and gross profit, to make informed investment decisions.

Capital appreciation and financial forecasting

Our forecasting tool lets you model future equity and financials, so you can plan ahead for a successful investment journey. With accurate projections, you'll be able to make informed decisions about your investments and maximize your ROI.

One-Click Deal sheets

With just one click, you can get all the essential details of your investment in one convenient sheet. Share with partners and lenders for a smoother investment process. Our tool is designed to save you time and give you the insights you need to make smart investment decisions.

How the Property Investment calculator works

1. Add deal information

Add key deal information such as comparable rental income, deposit amount, mortgage rates etc.

2. See your returns

With a few clicks, see exactly how the deal stacks up. Get an instant view of Gross and Net profit, ROI, payback and more.

3. Track progress

Use the tool to track your investment performance over time, comparing your returns to your original forecast.

Will the property investment calculator work for me? 

New to property investment? 

If you're new to investing, our property investment calculator is the perfect tool to help you get started. It's user-friendly, built on Excel, and can manage up to 100 deals. With our tool, you can analyse potential properties, calculate mortgage payments, and model future equity and financials. Our one-click deal sheets save you time and help you make informed investment decisions. Our unlimited lifetime support is there to assist you every step of the way.

Seasoned investor?

As a seasoned investor, you know that the key to success is having the right tools. Our property investment calculator is the tool you need to stay on top of your investments. It accurately calculates expenses, income, taxes, and more, giving you a full picture of your investment's financials. With our research and comparison tool, you can evaluate potential properties, analyse deal fundamentals, and model future equity and financials. Our one-click deal sheets make informed decisions easier than ever before.

Deal Packager or Advisor?

Your clients rely on you to provide them with the best investment options. Our property investment calculator is the perfect tool to help you analyse potential properties, calculate mortgage payments, and provide accurate calculations of expenses, income, taxes, and more. With our research and comparison tool, you can evaluate deal fundamentals, model future equity and financials, and create comprehensive summaries with one-click deal sheets.


How many deals can I manage with the calculator?

You can manage up to 100 deals at any one time with our calculator.

Is the calculator user-friendly?

Yes, the calculator is built on Excel, so it's familiar and easy to use.

What types of financials can the calculator calculate?

The calculator can calculate mortgage payments, return on investment, gross profit, net profit, tax payments, and more. See the full features list for a compete view.

Is lifetime support included?

Yes, we provide unlimited lifetime support to assist you with any questions or issues you may have.

Can the calculator be used for properties outside of the UK?

Our calculator is designed specifically for UK buy-to-let properties and may not be suitable for other types of investments.

Can I import data from other sources into the calculator?

Yes, you can easily import data from other sources into the calculator just as you would when using any other Excel spreadsheet. Because the calculator is built on Excel this should feel natural and intuitive to do.

Can I export data from the calculator?

Yes, you can export data from the calculator to Excel or CSV format for further analysis or reporting. You can also export the One Click deal sheets as PDFs or print them physically.

Is the calculator suitable for experienced property investors?

Yes, the calculator is designed for investors of all levels of experience, from beginners to experienced investors.

What if I have technical issues with the calculator?

If you encounter technical issues with the calculator, our unlimited lifetime support is there to assist you. You can chat or email with us 24/7 and we’re always happy to help.

Am I able to claim the cost of this tool back against taxes?

You probably can! Please check with your accountant beforehand, but our Buy-to-Let Property Investment Calculator is normally a tax-deductible allowance. Learn more, make more and pay less tax, win-win.

Is the calculator up to date with the latest tax rules?

Yes, we’re constantly updating the calculator to include all relevant tax updates and Stamp Duty changes. Whenever there are changes in regulation or taxation we update the tool and push an updated version out to all our customers, so you’ll always have an up to date solution to hand.

I’m a complete beginner, is this the right tool for me?

Our Calculator was designed to be as simple as possible to setup and use. Because we built our calculator on Excel it should feel intuitive and easy to use. The calculator includes step by step instructions on how to enter you deals and comes with a quick start guide to get you up and running quickly.

Can I use the calculator on my iPad, iPhone or Android mobile?

Our calculator is compatible with all versions of Microsoft Excel, across all devices, so as long as you have access to Microsoft Excel on your iPad, phone or Android mobile you will be able to use the calculator on your mobile device.

I don’t have much time, is this suitable for me?

This is 100% the best solution for you and anyone else who’s interested in Buy-to-Let property investment but is lacking that all-to precious resource - time! We built this tool to save you money, but most importantly to save you time.

How much time will it take to configure the calculator to my specific tax and buying situation?

We designed the Ultimate Buy-to-Let Property Investment Calculator to be completely customisable to your unique tax and buying situation. In around 4clicks you’ll be setup and ready to go, customising things like purchasing entity (i.e. are you buying personally or through a private ltd company) and tax situation (i.e. what is your average rate of income tax). We estimate no more than 10 minutes.

I’m interested in buy-to-let property investments, focusing on rental income rather than capital appreciation, will this tool be of use to me

Certainly, with our Calculator you’ll be able to quickly and easily calculate recommended rental, gross yield and profits and compare them against investment amounts required, showing you the best rental income to investment cost ROI ratio. And our One-Click Deal Sheets put that analysis conveniently onto a single printable page, great for taking around viewings.

I’m interested in buy-to-let property investments, focusing mainly on capital appreciation, is this tool any good for my situation?

It is indeed, you’re in the right place. Our calculator uses forecast analytics to predict the future value of properties, giving you the ability to forecast future property values, alongside future residual equity forecasts, allowing you to see which properties will likely achieve the best capital appreciation and over what period of time, allowing you to make the best possible investment decisions. And our One-Click Deal Sheets put that analysis conveniently onto a single printable page, great for taking with you to property viewings.

I’m interested mainly in selling leads and deal packaging, will I find this tool useful?

We think our calculator is going to change the way you deal package forever. With our One-Click Deal Sheets, you can compile all the relevant information for a property deal into a single page in a single click! What’s more, it looks great, it does all the calculations for you and it includes our Offer Suggestion functionality as standard.  Combine that with the ability to create 1’00’s of deals at once and you’re setup for doing business at speed.

I’m not great with technology and calculators, am I going to be able to use this?

We understand that technology isn’t everybody’s friend. That’s why our Property Investment Calculator comes with a comprehensive step-by-step setup guide, along with online tutorials that help to make the process easy and stress free. Plus, every purchase comes with unlimited lifetime email and chat support, so out team is never more than a few clicks away to help if you get stuck or have questions.

I already own a couple of investment properties, is this still of value to me?

We think our calculator will still be of great value to you, especially if you have (like we did originally) lots of information stored all over the place, or if you want to know the best time to sell up or release equity through re-financing. Or if you plan to continue buying and investing in properties. In fact, we can’t think of many scenarios where our Property Investment Calculator wouldn’t be of value.

Why have you built this tool for everyone to use, why don’t you keep It secret and make all the money yourself?

Well, for a number of reasons. 

1. No matter how good our sourcing and investment qualification tools are, we (as property investors personally) don’t always have the capital to hand to purchase every property we see and therefore we’d never shy away from other Property Investors entering the market, in fact, the more the merrier as it tends to stabilise and normalise the market – which is great! 

2. We really enjoy helping other people invest and we love sharing our knowledge and ways of doing things. 

3. We get to make a bit of money from the tools that we create and use ourselves, which helps to cover the hundreds of hours that we put into our tools.

What format does the calculator come in?

Once you’ve purchased the calculator you will receive it instantly via email. The calculator is provided in an Excel file format for ease of use across all devices. The file is compatible with all versions of Microsoft Excel, across Windows and IOS. You will receive two types of files, one for versions of Microsoft Excel 2010 and newer, and one for older versions of Microsoft Excel 95 onwards.

Trusted by thousands of property investors up and down the country

***** - "What a great tool! I literally use it for all of my upcoming deals now. The one click deal sheets are a game changer!" Rob M - London

***** - "Brilliant solution, very very useful for me. I’m always looking forwards to new updates." Lyndsey W - Manchester

***** - "Downloaded about a month a go and haven’t looked back since! I would recommend it to anyone serious about making money from their property investments." Tom F - Cornwall

***** - "5 Stars. A great tool that helps me to validate which property deals I should go for first. Would highly recommend!" Jake B - Cambridge

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Excel Spreasheet
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One-Click Deal Sheets
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UK Buy-to-let Property Investment Calculator

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