The Autoimmune Brain Balance Music Project


Drawing on the principles of neuroscience, we can use music to heal the brain and immune system. This is turn can help resolve symptoms and prevent flares. Take your healing to the next level. Use music and sound to heal your brain, balance your immune system, decrease inflammation and halt autoimmune reactions •

Set yourself up to heal your eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, thyroid, digestion and other chronic health concerns by relaxing your nervous-immune system and healing your brain.

Every 2 weeks for 6 weeks you will receive three 7 minute mp3's to start unwinding chronic stress responses and heal the brain. You are instructed to listen to at least one music meditation daily as many times a day as you need. The music selections first 2 weeks are for relaxing the brain, nervous and immune system to prepare the brain for deeper healing and learning. Weeks 3-4 includes music to restore the hind brain, mid brain and the prefrontal cortex. Musical selections for weeks 5-6 are the added nectar for recharging the brain as needed. There is a 5 day money-back guarantee on this product.

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The Autoimmune Brain Balance Music Project

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