Matrix Extrude

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Matrix Extrude for Blender was inspired by the Matrix Extrude tool found in Cinema 4D.

I build this addon to allow Blender users a similar if not better experience in creating abstract art.

There are no limits on how bizarre your creations can be. Maybe not with the first extrusion, but who can say what happens with some manual selection in combination.
I do not claim that one extrusion is all it needs, but with some selective usage of Matrix Extrude there are no limits. Tinkering with the settings to try out different variations is highly recommended, especially with the Interactive version now.

The more complex it becomes, the higher the chance that the price may adjust upwards.

(shows version 2.03)

(Shows version 2.03)

The User interface can change with new functionality being added, but the main functionality is to save you dozens if not hundreds of manual extrusions to get fast results or with variations added maybe some surprises.

  • The main panel gives access to all parameters of the (main)extrusion:

  • The Secondary extrusions are the first of my own additions and allow optional extrusions along the segments of the main extrusion, the settings are found by activating Generate Secondary Extrusions and then switching to them with the option below it:
  • Setting an Interval of 3 for example would create secondary extrusions on each 3rd segment extruded. While the Interval-offset allows pushing the secondary extrusions further out towards the ends of the main extrusions.

  • It's possible to continue extruding as after each round the end faces are left selected, just press Shift + R when happy with the settings:

  • Variation mode is where the fun starts. Matrix Extrude can be used without "Ratio Only" , "Initial" or "Per Step" variation.
  • Ratio Only gives only access to the ratio, but it may serve its use as it's the only partially predictable version.
  • The Ratio allows adjustments concerning how many of the selected faces really gonna be used, for both Main and secondary extrusions.

  • Initial variation means that the randomization is generated once per face at the start and used for all successive extrusions. Usually leading to a smooth extrusion changes in either length, size or direction for that matter.

  • Per Step variation creates a randomization per face per step, means each faces extrusion will not only differ at the start like in mode, but every step of the extrusion, new random values will be generated to allow for a more, well random result.

The variation for rotation is set to -1 to 1 allowing changes of directions for example


Access to the variations is found under the Variation Options, originally in Cinema 4D there is only what I call Basic options in form of a min and max % value for offset, scale and rotation.
But Matrix Extrude has more, the Advanced access, allowing you to play with all axis of offset, scale and rotation to fine tune your randomization even more.
Now it's possible to restrict only the z-axis rotation or give the x-axis scale more freedom (bigger range between min and max) then the y-axis.
To activate either Basic or Advanced variations Variation Options need to be either set to Initial or Per Step:

Activate variations and set it to either Basic or Advanced

Here two examples of simple extrusions:

Or some secondary extrusions on top, resulting in a different style:

A second time extruding this time with secondary extrusions can wield something like this:

Randomly generated secondary extrusions may bring results like this with sometimes none, sometimes one or two extra extrusions at the end:

While this addon gives a lot options to play around with, it also has it's limits.
Please consider adding some manual adjustments like selection or even dragging(sculpting) to get the most out of this. Especially the Interactive version can become slow with huge numbers of faces. Be aware. Saving before trying to extrude 10.000 faces by 8 steps might be a good idea.

Your welcome to check out the video showing the interactive version ( in use


  • Further extend the options to control the secondary extrusions
  • Maybe let variations also affect the number of steps some faces extrude
  • ...

  • Secondary extrusions now enjoy all the same options and settings like the main extrusion
  • Randomization "Randomly" of the secondary extrusions now offers a Ratio for more control over the used faces generated along the main extrusion whereas a ratio of 20% means that only 1/5th of all the faces that would be used if in "All Faces" mode would be used.
  • UI adjustments to fit all the extra settings under Secondary extrusions

  • Finally got it interactive!
  • Presets can be used to save the crazy shapes in form of settings for be it a new copy or using saved settings on already extruded faces ... new possibilities open up (Reset of settings is achieved by choosing the default values in the preset dropdown.
  • Ratio for main and secondary extrusions, allowing the limitation of how many of the selected faces actually gonna get extruded
  • No selected faces are caught, other then the original C4D version it's not automatically then using all faces.
  • Secondary extrusions can now be better controlled by using an offset from which step they start, interval works on top.
  • Since it's interactive though, excessive amounts of faces with huge step counts will eventually bring Blender to it's knees, be aware.
  • Tested on 2.83 LTS, 2.91 latest stable and daily master build

  • Now with profiles for the scaling along the extrusions (for now only one curve for both x and y), will see if it's reasonable to push it further.
  • Not a new feature, but needs to be mentioned, presets are out for now, working on getting it to handle the curves right, sadly the default option does not.

  • Blender 2.93, as it's now including the "reset_view" functionality (my humble and small contribution) for python, the curvemapping will be automatically reset when opened.

Update v2.08:

  • UI got a facelift, everything got tighter and should now be easier to navigate/see without too much scrolling, especially when all options are open and expanded. New UI can be seen in most of the above explanations.

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You will get the addon zip and/or .py file. Single .py file can directly be installed.

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Matrix Extrude

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