Healing Practitioner E Course
Hello, sweet friend!
This series will help you shine in all the areas you long to be. Super helpful for healing practitioners of all kinds, but equally powerful for all walks on the journey.
Lesson one: Who is a Healer?
Lesson two: On value and the Three Things
Lesson three: On Receiving, Setting Expectations and Better Affirmations
Lesson Four: Gratitude, Guidance & Authenticity
Lesson Five: Our Personal Money Stories
Lesson Six: Courage to Shine, Charging for Services, Money
You will receive:
6 HD quality videos, 3+ hours of awesome teachings
+ audio recordings of each video lesson
+ prompts for journaling
+ let’s not forget that you’ll also receive support and love and enjoyment
Once you check out, you'll receive a pdf download with the links to all course materials. I'll also send you an email copy for your files.