Morning: Conflict Resolution for People Who Hate Conflict Workshop

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Hate conflict? My online workshop can help.

Remember the last time you (or your project) paid the price for avoiding a necessary, tough conversation because it was just too stressful? Maybe this person drastically overstepped, caused your project to nosedive, or you’ve had a lingering problem but don’t know how to address it.

How you address conflict at work can mean the difference between success and failure. So let's empower you to have that conversation.

In this workshop, you’ll learn a psychologically-safe, non-violent, and reliable framework that’s helped hundreds of conflict-averse folks master tricky conversations. You’ll learn practical techniques to help you handle almost any scenario you’d encounter, complete with real-world examples.


One ticket to the 9 AM PT class on April 10, 2020.

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Morning: Conflict Resolution for People Who Hate Conflict Workshop

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