
3DSMax<->RizomUV/Unfold3D Bridge Extended Edition

38 ratings

3DSMax<->RizomUV/Unfold3D Bridge Extended Edition

38 ratings

It's a bridge for UVs editing between two programs:

3DSMax by Autodesk and RizomUV/Unfold3D by RizomLab


Personal, Indie and Studio Licenses are available. Personal licenses do NOT apply to companies. For Indie and Studios purchases, script cannot be redistributed or resold unless as embedded components of electronic/interactive media.

How to install:

- Drag'n'Drop into 3dsmax viewport


- 3dsmax > Scripting > Run Script > select RizomUV/Unfold3D bridge MZP file

After setup you will see RizomUV/Unfold3D icon at main toolbar.

(Sometimes administrator rights needed)

How it works:

In 3dsmax :

- Select object or multiple objects

- Select editing mode

- Press Unfold3D (button with Unfold3D logo)

In Unfold3d:

- Create or edit UVs

- Press Save

After pressing Save button in RizomUV/Unfold3D - will be closed, 3DSMax window will reappear and UVs will be assigned like modifiers on object or objects.

Buttons description:

-RizomUV/Unfold3D- send selected objects to RizomUV/Unfold3D, objects must be editable poly, if you have an modifiers stack - script will collapse it to editable poly automatically. So be careful a.

- click on mode options(new,edit,preset) open current Lua script with notepad. So you can edit it and save, or save as a new preset.

- - reload/update presets list.

Extended edition only:

-   - Settings panel. Allows to pre define almost all settings for RizomUV/Unfold3D.

- - Allows you to send object to Unfold3D and make predefined operation on it.

- - it keeps modifiers 


How to edit a preset file:

- In RizomUV/Unfold3D open a Script and Command log window (default shortcut "L")

- And you will see log for changed commands/parameters, so you can select necessary lines and copy/paste them into preset file, and that's it.

Script requirements:

- 3dsmax 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018

-  or 2017.0.17. Older versions are not supported. ()

- RizomUV_VSRS.2018.0.70  (script version  )

- RizomUV_VSRS.2018.0.161 and UP (script version RizomUVBridgeExtEd 1.10 )



Many thanks and happy UV-ing! 

*Digital products are non-refundable

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