Lose 40lbs (or more) in 90 days or less

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It was the runup to Christmas and I was feeling pretty shitty about myself. I was incredibly overweight with little to no self-esteem for varying reasons. I had a shitty job, avoiding my friends and family and eating shitty food to make myself feel better. 

This cycle had been continuous for quite some time (years to be honest) and I knew that in order to start feeling better about myself, I had to do something about it...

Starting with my weight!

I set myself a goal to see how much I could lose in just 3 months. I weighed over 17 stone and had breasts. F'ing breasts!

I had put it off for far too long so I started to do a ton of research and see how exactly the body metabolised certain foods along what exercises worked best with certain diets in order to shed the most weight healthily in a short amount of time.

The variables were pretty simple and had to adhere to the following rules:
1) The least Time Consuming (I was working crazy shifts and had very little time to spare)

2) Involved the least amount of motivation possible. I was (and still am to some extent) pretty lazy

3) Easily implementable every day (I am extremely bad at planning my week so the schedule had to be simple)

4) Allow for days to be spent eating what I wanted. Being a dad and sharing a piece of cake with my daughter was a must during days out

I then put together a plan and took the plunge to stick with it.

The results were phenomenal. I had lost 10lbs in just 6 days which were incredible. More to the point, it gave me the encouragement to keep going.

In the end, I got my weight down to something I was proud of to the point that I stopped avoiding looking in the mirror when I got out of the shower.

The thing is, good results drive further ambition to improve. That is what this simple and easy to implement guide is about. Getting you on your way to losing a decent amount of weight healthily and fast so that you are encouraged to keep looking after yourself after the program has finished.

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Available on March 8, 2020 at 12:00 PM

Here's your chance to implement a few simple steps in your busy dad-life to get yourself on your way to PEAK POWER DAD

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Lose 40lbs (or more) in 90 days or less

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