The Matrix-Q Human Stages of Development Model - e-Book Collection

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The e-Books Collection includes the following publications:

12 sets of files, over 100 Mb

- The Matrix-Q Method for the Quantification of the Human Capital Value

- Human Potential

-Corporate development models

- Human Stages of Development & I Ching Theta

- The Matrix-Q Human Evolution Model

-Human types and skills gap

-The Human Engine

-The Human Hologram

-Corporate Immunology

-Culture Generation Engine

-Nature Inspired Business Model

-The 9 Economies

-9 Genders

-Primordial Archetypes


This Matrix-Q Tool is utilized as for assessment of human knowledge, skills, mindset and capacity of application of tools for solving specific complexity of problems.

Matrix-Q Intelligence suggests an intelligence beyond the one necessary to shift perspectives at different times (study an object from different points of view, or the common known “put your self into the shoes of that other person/role/discipline for a while”).

In order to shift from one perspective to the next one an individual should have the ability to let go a first frame of reference, knowledge, skills, mind set; and then after achieving a neutral state, enter a completely new one.

But perspective is not enough, the ability to develop skills and use of tools, in relation to the knowledge given by the frame of knowledge of reference are the next stages.

These on parallel and lineal processes of learning by shifting from frame of reference to frame fo references is simulated by a schedule of a school in which a variety of topics of study are approached: history, science, sports, and so on. Each of them approached with specialized learning materials and teacher and along a lineal time line or schedule where two topics will not be studied simultaneously.

Grater benefits have been found when the learning process provided help students “connect the dots” between disciplines and achieve a more integral knowledge; and for example, enhance effectiveness by applying an integral view, exercised through projects for which challenges can be only solved if knowledge of more than one discipline is used.

On the other side, the lineal approach of one single field of expertise, and the parallel approach of shifting from one to another perspective (discipline) track for specific purposes or challenges, does not compare with an approach developed through matrix-type of perspectives in which already the interrelations between disciplines are integrated to the field of knowledge.

Matrix thinking would help us work with the whole, a more holistic approach, even systemic, a frame that provides a more natural synergy.

Like in an ecosystem, the evolving process, sustainability, survival of species, and the learning or adaptation associated, takes place within a matrix of variables that are not controlled by the observer. This type of situation found in reality, the reality of nature for example, is actually a more ideal setting for learning, than a lab, in which only few disciplines are utilized, or perspectives in parallel.

Through this evolving approach of human thinking we finally arrive to Matrix-Quotient of Intelligence, where the sign is of approaching knowledge from several perspectives simultaneously (no parallel, no lineal, but simultaneously). A systemic, holistic, synergetic and sustainable thinking approach would be very similar, but not serve for a complete description.


As suggested before, it is the conclusion of the researcher that the class of natural, human and artificial phenomena labeled by the cypher “7” is the key for the next stage of the human species evolution; and for those individuals that are “more advanced” a field in which the whole of humanity needs to be supported in its learning process.

Considering that an ideal development of the human species involve advanced stages of capacity achieved in the fields of each of the 9 cyphers all of them together. The current challenges and circumstance faced by the emerging modern global culture and civilization, and the capacity for solving it demonstrated by facts of history and registered patterns of behavior, mind set and choice of the human species, including its ability to learn, have helped to the conclusion that the cypher 7 is of great or groundbreaking importance for the human species future.

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The Matrix-Q Human Stages of Development Model - e-Book Collection

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