
SEO for Affiliate Marketing

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SEO for Affiliate Marketing


Does any of this sound familiar?

Do you look around and feel overwhelmed with just the thought of monetising your blog?

Have you ever wondered how others are making millions while you struggle to earn back the price of your hosting package?

You have seen bloggers talking about affiliate marketing and wonder how someone does it like a piece of cake?

You spend hours every day trying to figure out why people click your affiliate link but never buys?

You spend hours trying out every type of tool, book or guide. But nothing seems to be working for you... You review books after books, put affiliate links and promote but nobody buys a single book.

You wonder why you’re simply not seeing results with affiliate marketing.

All that initial excitement has been overtaken by overwhelming with EVERYTHING you need to do and learn.

You can put affiliate links to your blog posts, put a banner on your blog as much as you want but it will not work unless you are missing a strategy.

No matter how much effort you put, the income still stays at zero. Your Amazon Affiliate dashboard records click but the sales are minuscule and you have never reached the payment threshold of 1,000 in your blogging career.

You can work like a digital slave to monetise your blog but all those hours don't matter if you don't have a plan for success or a clear roadmap to follow.

If you're nodding YES to all of these, I have your back! I know all these feelings because I was in that place for several years.

I wrote posts after posts to make some income from affiliate marketing but no matter what I tried, it all failed.

I struggled with Amazon affiliates, but it did not work for my niche. I wrote book reviews, reviewed products and added links to the products on my food blog but nothing worked. I never earned a single penny.

People clicked my affiliate links but they just clicked to check the product. I could not convince a single person to buy a product worthy of a few rupees.

You see, I have been blogging since 2011 but it was 2015 when I earned my first income from my blog. I invested five long years to learn which strategy may work to monetise my blog.

First, I learned that people hate when you suddenly throw a link to their face.

Second, I learned that writing random posts will never make any affiliate sale.

Finally, I realised that affiliate marketing is not that easy as it seems. Like any business, it needs hard work, strategy and time investment.

I started at sub-zero by analysing what my readers are looking for and offering exactly that. I combined the power of keyword research, SEO with affiliate marketing to make my first sale.

It took plenty of trial and error before coming up with a content strategy that helped me in earning money through affiliate marketing.

And in this masterclass, I offer you exactly the same content strategy!

I packaged all of what I figured out into Affiliate Marketing Made Easy and now it’s time for you to experience the same results with affiliate marketing.

My content strategy for Affiliate Marketing yielded result. Here is a proof of what my affiliate income looks like this year despite all the pandemic chaos.

Introducing Affiliate Marketing Made Easy

In this masterclass, you will learn

How do affiliate programs work?

• How to choose affiliate products for promotion?

• How to find affiliate programs

• SEO for affiliate marketing

• How to write affiliate posts

• How to promote affiliate posts on social media

• What to consider

• Words of caution

As long as you drive traffic to your blog posts with affiliate products, they will never cease to earn money from you. A good SEO can do wonder for your affiliate marketing.

But how much traffic? What kind of traffic? Which product to promote, how to promote?

This masterclass comes with accompanying PDF files you can follow.

But that’s not all!

The masterclass comes with bonuses!

I have also put two videos where I have explained the content strategy for better SEO and affiliate sales and several affiliate programs that cater to the Indian audience and hence useful for Indian bloggers.

 Affiliate Marketing Made Easy will be the most pocket-friendly investment you’ll make to help you monetise your blog/YouTube channel.

After completing the masterclass,

- You would have accomplished more than you ever thought possible, feel a sense of satisfaction and actually make progress towards this larger vision of what you want your blog and business to do for you

- You don't flinch, get panicky or try different tactics hoping one stick while you write affiliate marketing posts.

-You have a plan of action and content strategy to monetise your blog

Here’s everything you get access to in Affiliate Marketing Made Easy

• The exact road map to affiliate marketing

• Where to find high quality and high paying affiliate programs

• How to join affiliate marketplace

• What type of blog posts to write for affiliate marketing

• Where to promote the affiliate posts

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