Alpha Juno Editor
The Alpha Juno is the most capable sibling of Rolands famous Juno family, but also the hardest to edit. Now you can tweak your favorite 80s poly synth from within Ableton with this Max for Live device:
For Alpha Juno 1/2 and MKS-50
Bi-directional Sysex connection between your DAW and synth to read and write patches and parameter changes in realtime
Dynamic visualization of envelope shapes
Randomize all parameters to get going, or initialize all parameters to start from scratch
Automation and Midi mapping of all parameters
Save and load patches as single files to and from your computer and enjoy unlimited patch storage
Compact design that fits nicely into Abletons plugin panel
Editor Demo
What You'll Get
The download contains the following items, packaged in a zip file:
Alpha Juno Editor.axmd
Alpha Juno Editor Mappable.axmd
Info sheet with setup instructions and troubleshooting
Folder with example patches
Please note that you need an Alpha Juno 1/2 or MKS-50, as this editor is meant to control those synths – it won't make any sound by itself. Instructions how to connect the editor with your synth are included in the download.
The editor works with every Ableton version since Live 10 (when Ableton integrated Sysex support). It requires Max for Live, which is included with Live Suite.
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