
Gratitude Meditation I (Binaural, Isochronic, Meditation, 3.5Hz, 136.1Hz, 194.18Hz)

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Gratitude Meditation I (Binaural, Isochronic, Meditation, 3.5Hz, 136.1Hz, 194.18Hz)


3.5Hz - Feeling of unity with everything, enhancement of receptivity, whole being regeneration, DNA stimulation.

136.1Hz - Frequency of OM. Earth frequency. Also called the frequency of the soul. Promotes harmony with the cosmos. Opens blocked energy pathways and restores balance. Heart (Anahate) chakra. Soothing, balancing, centering, light, warmth, joy.

194.18Hz - Root Chakra (Muladhara), brings one into harmony with nature. Frequency of synodic earth day.

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." ~ Eckhart Tolle

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." ~ Epictetus

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


Keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day, write five things you are grateful for that day.

Reflect on things you are grateful for periodically throughout the day.

When bad things happen be grateful for the opportunity to learn.


Use a quite place. Sit in a comfortable position.


Breathe in deeply and exhale. Breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.

Do this a few times.

Breathe in. Feel gratitude for this breath.

Breathe out. Feel gratitude for this exhalation.

Be grateful you can do this exercise.

Think of all the things you are grateful for.

The sky, the trees, loved ones, the opportunity to learn in life, and all the other things you should be grateful for.

As you breathe in, breathe in the gratitude of the universe.

As you breathe out, breathe out gratitude to the whole universe.

Feel the warmth of gratitude in your center.

Let that warmth radiate out to the world and then the universe.

Keep feeling and radiating the warmth of gratitude.

Repeat these steps as desired.

At Karmic Beats I provide binaural, isochronic beats, solfeggio frequencies, meditations and meditation advice, free of charge to all who choose to benefit. I put my positive energies into the beats and through them out into the cosmos.

Please check out my channel for other binaural, isochronic, solfeggio, sound healing, vibrational therapy videos:


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