Pintura Image Editor

High-Performance JavaScript Image Editing in the Browser.

Use Pintura Image Editor in SaaS projects, websites, web apps, mobile apps, and desktop apps, receive free updates and premium support.

Select the video tier to add video editing support.

Learn more about Pintura

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The License fee is refundable only under the following conditions:

- The refund request is made within sixty (60) days from the purchase date;
- You've not requested support;

In order to ask for a refund, You can contact PQINA via the customer portal at As soon as the request is received, PQINA will evaluate refund validity, if You are eligible for a refund PQINA will initiate a full refund of the purchase within fifteen (15) business days.

Once PQINA initiates the refund You will get a confirmation email. You shall remove, delete or otherwise destroy any material that You have received, copied or otherwise obtained.

Last updated Jan 8, 2024

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$749 a year

Pintura Image Editor