Just Enough: A Gentler Approach To Starting A Micro-Business

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You don't need to make lots of money.
You just need to make enough.

You dream of making enough money, just enough, so you can spend more time doing the things that matter in your life.

Your key relationships.

Your health.

Your passions.

But where do you start?

I just wrote a book entitled "Just Enough: A Gentler Approach To Starting Online Micro-Businesses" to help creative and entrepreneurial people like you make "just enough" money to sustain your creative lives.

Here's a sneak peak to the Table of Contents of the book.

Table of Contents


I. Introduction

- Introduction to Minimalism

- How to Find Your Passion and Set Your Priorities

- Why the Traditional Work Culture Maybe Unhealthy and Why You Should Quit It

- Before You Jump Into Entrepreneurship

II. My Story

- Roots

- Seedlings

- Changes

- Havoc

- Reality Strikes

- My First Full-time Job

- My Second Full-time Job

- Lured By The Need For More

- Final Decision: Simplify Life and Pursue Entrepreneurship

III. The Minimalist Month

- You Can Do This Too

IV. Funding the Minimalist Month

- Why Entrepreneurship?

- Options Other than Entrepreneurship

- What Is An Online Micro-business

- A Simpler Model of Online Micro-businesses

- How Joshua Becker Makes Money

- How Courtney Carver Makes Money

V. Tackling Uncertainty

- Don't Be Afraid About Money: Instant Emergency Fund

VI. One Year Of Minimalism: Tackling Sustainability

- Interview with Vegard Wikeby

- The One Year Challenge

- A Roadmap to Living "Just Enough"

VII. When Everything Is Working: Tackling Growth

- Why You Should Just Make Enough

- A Business that Don't Grow (That Much)

- Why You Should Spend More Time With Unpaid Work


- Resources on How to Build Gentler Micro-Business

What You'll Learn from "Just Enough"

- Get introduced to minimalism and how it can be applied in starting and running a small business

- Identify your "Just Enough Fund" or the baseline income you need to produce every month to create a sustainable business.

- Learn how two well-known and exceptional entrepreneurs created and ran their microbusinesses using the principles of minimalism and how they were differentiated from the rest of the crowd.

- Learn different strategies to combat uncertainty while starting an online micro-business.

- Learn how one up-and-coming entrepreneur managed to leave his high-paying job to go all out with his business venture for one year through simplifying his life and applying the principle of making "just enough."

- Get introduced to an unconventional way of looking at growth in entrepreneurship and know why you should really consider implementing this philosophy in your business.


Get a step-by-step roadmap to implement the theory behind the book.

When you purchase "Just Enough," you'll also receive my first book "7 Days to Clarity"

Any questions about the book can be sent to me at http://www.vincentimbat.com/contact/

About the Author

Vincent Imbat is an author and creative entrepreneur. He publishes a weekly column in VincentImbat.Com where he talks about minimalism, health, doing work you love and making "just enough" to support a simple life. He also writes a private communique to a community of passionate creative and life artists on his newsletter "The Renaissance Retreat." Vincent founded a private writer's group early this year, made up of aspiring authors, bloggers, and enthusiasts whom he guides and motivates to practice and love their craft. He self-published a book last year entitled "7 Days to Clarity: Getting In Touch With Your Values Goals And Mission In Life" which is free for subscribers of his newsletter. This book is his first attempt to bring his voice into the discussion of how small online business owners could make money and conduct their businesses in a simpler more gratifying way.

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Just Enough: A Gentler Approach To Starting A Micro-Business

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