Lead Beagle - Lead Generation Tools for Google Sheets

2 ratings

Find more leads on LinkedIn with bulk search tools straight from your Google Sheets. Enrich profile data, look up emails and company domains. It's absolutely anonymous and you don't even need a LinkedIn account.

LinkedIn Search Tools

👻 Search by Keywords

Find up to 100 LinkedIn profiles per a combination of keywords. For example, vendor manager new york.

Inputs & Outputs:

Keywords ➡️ First Name, Last Name, Company, Role, Accuracy, LinkedIn Title, LinkedIn URL, LinkedIn Handle

Hint: you can use simple boolean search operators too (OR, - for exclude, quotes for exact match).

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🏢 Search by Company

Search profiles by company and position. For example, find CTOs of all Fortune 500 companies.

Inputs & Outputs:

Company, Role, Refinement Keywords ➡️ LinkedIn Name, LinkedIn Company, LinkedIn Role, LinkedIn Title, LinkedIn URL, LinkedIn Handle.

Hint: you can receive up to 10 profiles per each row searched at no extra cost.

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👩🏻‍💼 Search by Name

Search LinkedIn profiles by names. For example, find LinkedIn profiles of your newsletter subscribers.

Inputs & Outputs:

First Name, Last Name ➡️ LinkedIn Name, LinkedIn Company, LinkedIn Role, LinkedIn Title, LinkedIn URL, LinkedIn Handle.

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Beyond LinkedIn

🏢 Find company website

Look up corporate domains by company names.

Inputs & Outputs:

Company Name ➡️ Web domain name

📧 Find emails and validate on the fly

Inputs & Outputs:

First Name, Lats Name, Domain ➡️ Email, Validation status 

For more information, please refer to the How-to's section on our website: https://www.beagle.dev/lead-beagle/how-to

What makes this add-on different:

✅ Risk-free

There is no risk to get your LinkedIn account blocked. You don't even need a LinkedIn account to search with Lead Beagle.

✅ Anonymous by design

It's absolutely anonymous. No one will see your lookups simply because you don't need to visit LinkedIn or to use your LinkedIn account.

✅ Secure

It's verified by Google, runs on Google infrastructure and doesn't require any additional registration or authentication. We won't ask you to share your spreadsheets or upload CSV files.

✅ Real time

All the data is collected in real time, so it's as relevant and accurate as it is on a person's LinkedIn profile page.


🐶 Website


💡 How-to

💬 Support

🔐 Privacy Policy

#leadgen #leads #prospecting #linkedin #marketing #sales #crm


Need a bigger plan or custom pricing? Drop us a line at hello@beagle.dev

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Lead Beagle - Lead Generation Tools for Google Sheets

2 ratings