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Enhanced penis and the ability to perform well on the bed are counted among the most prized possessions by men. The ability to play well in the bed and satisfy ones partner is considered a macho trait and men would swear by it. Researches and surveys all over the world have repeatedly shown that the ability to satisfy one's partner is rated really highly by men. Men have time and again done crazy things to increase their sexual potency and their ability to give pleasure of the highest degree to their partners.
However, what happens when men are not able to perform in the bed? What happens when men are not able to retain their sexual excitement for the desired length of time? What is the impact of a small penis or a premature ejaculation on the morale of men? Studies and researches have established the fact that these situations can have disastrous effects on the morale of men. Men, who pride themselves on their sexual ability and their macho traits, can have their morale severely dented when they discover that they have a rather small penis which is not able to achieve the right amount of erection.