Surrender to the Flow #54: NYE Run 2016-2017

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Here is Surrender to the Flow's NYE Run 2016-2017 issue! This item is FREE to download, but if you would like to pay something for it/donate, we will gladly accept! Simply change the price from $0 to Whatever You'd Like To Pay when you check out, if you'd like to pay something - but don't feel you have to, either - you can also just type 0! Either way, you will be given the option to read it right then and there, download it to your device, or open it in the Gumroad app. A copy will also be delivered to your email for PDF download from there anytime.

This issue is full of good stuff for you! We have reviews from Fall and Mike tour and Trey on Prairie Home Companion. There's lots of information about NYE Run. We offer articles on a variety of interesting topics. And, this forty page issue also includes our regular features like puzzles and games, recipes, Twenty Years Later, My Favorite Jam Ever, My First Show, Everybody Loves Statistics, Celebrations, and so much more!

Please check out this issue and tell your friends, and have a great time on NYE Run, everyone!

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Surrender to the Flow #54: NYE Run 2016-2017

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