TerraJoule.us - A Journal of Energy Transition

chronicles the rate of our present energy transition, as the world attempts to decarbonize powergrids, and policy amplifies the deleveraging process from two centuries of fossil fuel exposure. The publication is read by government agencies and NGOs, and, by private investors and individuals at major financial firms, family offices, and pension funds globally from Australia to the US, from Canada to the UK.

Features include  two separate essays–one authored by the editor and one by a guest researcher; and a quarterly conference call. There is also a newly created , composed of both ETFs and individual stocks. Published monthly, and edited by Gregor Macdonald, of Gregor.us. 

Previous subscribers to Gregor.us Monthly ($1500.00 USD per year) and the StockTwits hosted Gregor.us Weekly ($79.00 USD per month) will recognize the format of the main essays, and the focus on globally sourced energy data.

In 2016, will concentrate in particular on investment risk to portfolios from the unfolding wave of climate policy, and the migration of global economic activity from liquid fossil fuels to the powergrid. While profound shifts in the global energy source mix continue to emerge, energy transition is increasingly composed of developments and cost declines in technology and infrastructure. Those equations supply both the risk, and the opportunity, as the next tranche of energy users comes online in the global economy.

Pricing: $1,200 USD per year. And, for a limited time, a 3 month subscription option will be available for $300 USD. Please select your choice in the Payment Options window.

Each subscription begins with the most current issue.

Questions and comments: info (at) terrajoule.us

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$1,200 a year

TerraJoule.us - A Journal of Energy Transition