Crossing the Bridge from Depression to Life

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Shalina Meenowa in the United Kingdom on February 3, 2021

Simply amazing book

If you are feeling like you have been battling depression, look no further. This book has been amazing to read and I am so going to refer back to it.

Mark Roberts, LCSW in the United States on May 4th, 2017

Highly recommended for people battling depression, and those who love them.

This is a compelling work that takes the reader through a journey about surviving and thriving when one fights depression. The rich metaphor of growing a vineyard to create a new life, a new beginning beyond depression, will even resonate with those who have lost hope.

When one walks the walk of depression and knows its thorny pathway, there is a greater likelihood that s/he can shine a light on the steps necessary to get out of depression. Clearly, the author has walked this path and is passionate about helping others to manage and overcome this gripping darkness.

This book is both a story, and guide, that describes the constellation of symptoms of depression that affect so many, and provides a step-by-step, practical guide back to mental and physical wellbeing.

As a licensed mental health professional, I applaud the strategies that are recommended in Zehhu’s lessons of the vineyard. Whether one suffers from chronic or episodic depression, this book gives a clear path to take when these symptoms pull you down and provides a way to rebuild your life after loss.

Linda in the US on April 23, 2017

Crossing the Bridge is an excellent read. And more than that provides a very ...

Crossing the Bridge is a poignant read.

And more important than that it provides a very effective path to fight depression without medications.

I wish more people who are struggling with depression will use this program before starting on antidepressants.

This is a new look at an old problem, and this book can help solve the depression crisis without all the negative side effects of medication.

Doctors should prescribe this book before meds!

Frank Adams on January 16, 2017

Zehhu is not just an enlightening read but a very helpful tool for those stuck in the doldrums of life.

It is clear to me from this enjoyable read that everybody can benefit from its wise lessons, those who are diagnosed with depression and even those like myself who are not.

This book can lift your spirits, pull you out of those dark places that we all often find ourselves in, and find light, happiness, success, and achievement.

Mr. Issac's storytelling is superb.

By Joe MacGregor on November 1, 2016

I found 'Crossing the Bridge' to be unique from the perspective that it not only is wonderfully written, but it also offers a definite action plan.

That is a refreshing change from the usual "feel good" advice offered in so many other books of this kind. It's one thing to read and heed the advice.

However, it is so much more important to take action.

'Crossing the Bridge' shows us the actions to take.

It is an easy and engaging read with a message of great benefit.

Great book. Great message. I highly recommend it.

By Robert M.on October 20, 2016

I found the writer very in touch with his subject matter, and able to relate it to others.

His use of growing and caring for a Vineyard was very helpful.

A smooth and meaningful read.

Lucinda Correa on February 17, 2016

It is unique in that it is built upon personal experience as well as research.

It utilizes metaphor in a creative, understandable, manner to clearly depict a way to rebuild life following an extraordinary loss, trauma, or family estrangement.

It is built on the premise that even when one has lost everything, it is possible to rebuild a fulfilling and engaged life.

While I am not able to do all the physical exercises mentioned in this book, I am able to use the skills in this book to reengage in my own life, eat well, use mindfulness, walk my way back to emotional and physical health, and deeply practice focusing on my own life.

I have found this book to be very helpful to me following a family loss.

This book provides a blueprint and roadmap toward the recovery of one’s own life.

It builds on skills of changing thinking patterns, focusing on one’s own life and future, and strengthening the body through exercise and nutrition to regain a sense of control and health.

This book is an important book for those suffering from depression. 

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Crossing the Bridge from Depression to Life

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