Vital Tones Stuttering - MP3 Free

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Vital Tones Stuttering is a brainwave sound therapy app designed to help control and reduce stuttering, a speech disorder characterized by involuntary repetitions, prolongations, and blocks in speech production. With the use of brainwave treatment, this app aims to improve the flow of speech and alleviate the challenges faced by individuals who stutter.

Scientific research has shown that the brains of adults who stutter exhibit differences compared to those who do not stutter. Neuroimaging studies have identified specific areas associated with stuttering, such as the hypoactivity in cortical regions involved in language processing, including Broca's area. Studies have also observed relative deactivation in left hemisphere auditory areas and frontal temporal regions during periods of stuttering.

Furthermore, individuals who stutter display underactivity in various cortical regions, including the ventral premotor, Rolandic opercular, and sensorimotor cortex bilaterally, as well as Heschl's gyrus in the left hemisphere. The cortical motor and premotor areas also exhibit underactivity during speech production in people who stutter.

Vital Tones Stuttering offers two therapy sessions, each lasting 30 minutes, to target and address the specific challenges associated with stuttering. Additionally, a complimentary trial session of 20 minutes is available, providing users with the opportunity to experience the app and its potential benefits before deciding to purchase the full version.

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Vital Tones Stuttering - MP3 Free

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