GORUCK HTL/HTLS Completion Guide & Training plan


This 90+ page guide has everything you need to get your gear, your mind, and your body prepared to complete the 48 hour crucible of a GORUCK HTL/HTLS.  You can also use this guide to completely crush a GORUCK Heavy!  This can be used as a stand alone training plan OR as a companion to a PATHFINDER training class!  www.mettleforger.com  

100% of respondents to the finishing survey would recommend this training plan (10/10 rating)! 

*NOTE: These are in PDF format and will not work with an e-reader.  Works on PC/Mac/mobile/etc

"Kirk is a beast! He absolutely knows how to physically prepare for an event. He and I spent a lot of time discussing metal preparation too as we both trained for our first HCLs. His training plan gives you the keys to both physical and mental preparation and is the most comprehensive plan I’ve seen. If you want a plan that gives you the full gamut of training, preparation, gear packing, etc. this is the plan you want." 

- Lisa Stephenson (multi- HTL completionist)

This guide includes

  • How to mentally prepare for the event and embracing the suck
  • Strategies for before, during, between, and after the event/events to ensure success (what to eat, when to change socks, etc.) 
  • Full gear breakdown: required vs. recommended, and how to set it up 
  • The ONLY training gear is a ruck, sandbag, and a pull up bar! (UBRR requires lots of equipment, but substitutions are listed)  
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily challenges to push you out of your comfort zone!
  • A full, 4 month training plan with 50+ workouts, covering 350+ miles  
  • Weekday sessions are typically 30-60 minutes (3x a week) and weekend  (2x) are ~2-3 hours.  There are 4-5 milestone workouts/events that are ~5-12 hours. 
  • Workouts are formatted as graphics for sharing so you can post your WODs to your friends and rucking partners!
  • Yoga to stay healthy


"Thanks Indianapolis but that's a wrap. It's been a heavy, wet, cold weekend filled with beatdowns and pain but great teammates and tons of #goruck love make it all worth it.  Shout out to @mettleforger for making a great training plan!

- 1 of 3 finishers of the 15 that started the Indy HTL

"Your HTL guide is awesome. Helped be get through my line in April in Jacksonville.  Your training program was instrumental in attaining my HTL patch 💪👍, Thank you"

- James Cherry

"I like the challenges... They definitely get me out of my comfort zone."

 - David Williams

"The volume of reps in the challenges helped prepare my muscles to be resilient to fatigue so that the PT test and welcome party did not leave me exhausted prior to beginning the HCL

- Doug Schwerin

"The challenges were a test of various components of my fitness and helped identify areas of improvement prior to my HCL.

- Jeremy Murchland

"Awesome Challenge!!!" 

- Lyell Peterson

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GORUCK HTL/HTLS Completion Guide & Training plan