Film Festival Secrets 2nd Edition BETA eBook Bonus Pack

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Coming soon to an ebook reader near you: the updated second edition of Film Festival Secrets: a Handbook for Independent Filmmakers

177 filmmakers and friends supported a successful crowdfunding campaign to create a new season of the Film Festival Secrets podcast and to update the Film Festival Secrets book to a new edition with the latest info on film festival strategy. 

Buy the bonus pack now and you'll get the Beta version of the 2nd edition, the complete 1st edition, and the final version of the 2nd edition when it ships in Fall of 2019. The 1st edition is in epub, mobi, and PDF versions, and the 2nd edition beta is in PDF only.

Book description (1st edition):

Many filmmakers struggle to find a place on the festival circuit because they don't have the right foundation for their submissions strategy.

They think that all film festivals are basically the same. (Wrong.)

They rush post-production to meet festival deadlines and consider test screenings to be optional. (Nope.)

They think that sending out form emails to hundreds of festivals to ask for fee waivers is a clever way to save money on submissions fees (so very, very ).

If you're stumped about where to start – if you’re losing sleep over which festivals are right for you or (worse) blindly submitting to festivals with late deadlines about to pass – get your hands on this book today. You’ll discover not only how festivals operate but also how veteran filmmakers craft a custom submissions strategy for each film they make . . . without wasting resources or damaging their reputations in the industry.


This eBook bonus pack version of the book Film Festival Secrets includes the entire text of the book in Kindle (.mobi), iBooks/Nook (.epub), and PDF versions for reading on any of your ebook devices. Also included is the bonus document The Film Festival Secrets List of Awesome Festivals for Shorts, my totally subjective list of festivals that are doing a great job at picking short films and supporting the filmmakers who made them.

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I want this!
Film Festival Secrets 1st edition (Kindle/mobi)
Film Festival Secrets 1st edition (iBooks/epub)
Film Festival Secrets 1st edition (PDF)
"Awesome Fests for Shorts" PDF
Film Festival Secrets 2nd edition beta (PDF)
Film Festival Secrets add'l beta versions as they are released
Film Festival Secrets 2nd edition final (PDF, epub, mobi) upon release
Film Festival Secrets Directory of 1200 notable festivals included in the 2nd edition PDF!
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Film Festival Secrets 2nd Edition BETA eBook Bonus Pack

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