Aurora Desktop Kit


A unique, modern and professional ui templates that will speed up work on your creative projects. Aurora Event Design Kit combines a unique, but at the same time simple layout. Mix sections as you like, while maintaining the logical structure of the content. Just select the combination you want and place your content.Quick and easy :)


  • Adobe XD and Sketch
  • 70+ unique layouts
  • 9 Categories
  • 12 column grid
  • Free font typography based on the Arimo font family
  • All components is properly named and organized in layer structure with groups and subgroups
  • All elements, icons and masks are made using Shape Layers, Resize any object for Retina resolution
  • The file includes all the latest features, such as symbols, resizing options, text and color styles.
  • All elements have a dark and light version and look great on any backgrounds.

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Aurora Desktop Kit

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