Shipping Mark

0 ratings

Shipping Costs calculate from shipping + packing.
Multiple items will be combined. Shipping costs are taken from DHL (April 2019).

Shipping Rates

  • National (Germany)
1Kg = 2.90 USD
Shipping method: BUEWA

2Kg = 4.70 USD
Shipping method: Package S national

  • EU

2Kg =  5.90 USD
Shipping method: Package XS international (EU)


  • Outside EU

2Kg = 10.40 USD
Shipping method: Package XS international (outside EU)

Recommendation for shipping:
A book with 100 pages (e.g. Nightdancer or RS: A) weights about 210g, which means you can fit about 8 books without worrying about the weight (Packing weight: 90g). I recommend to wait until multiple items you want are released so you can combine shipping. Please contact me in case you're unsure what to do.

Pro-Tip: Message me before buying a shipping mark to ask if I have a spare cardbox. I will reuse it (it's almost like new) and you can save 30 cents on packing-costs and produce less waste, too 😊b It's good for the planet, too!

Questions | Contact

In case you have questions, feel free to contact me on Twitter (@ren_mrn) or my Patreon account (


I don't take responsibility for lost items. In case you want a tracking number, please contact me!

Paper will mostly be used for packing to reduce plastic. Please recyle or reuse the packing if you can : )

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5.33 KB
630 x 244 px
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Shipping Mark

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