Pivoting Out of Teaching: A Practical Workbook

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Teaching is the most important profession in the world. The people who do it are rare, special individuals. If you’ve spent any time in the classroom, you have my utmost respect. There comes a time for a lot of teachers when they will wonder how many more years they can serve. There shouldn’t be a stigma about leaving, and I hope this workbook makes it easier for you.

Table of Contents

1. Developing Your “Why”

2. What Route Is Best For You? 

3. Resume Development 

4. Networking Best Practices 

5. Cover Letters 

6. Interview Tips 

7. Negotiating Your Offer/Navigating Obstacles 

8. Transitioning In Your New Career 

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You'll get a 40 page workbook that guides you through the process of pivoting your career. This was developed through countless conversations with other teachers and aggregating all of the advice needed to feel confident in your approach.

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Pivoting Out of Teaching: A Practical Workbook

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