30 Days To Sell - Book

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Nominated for a Small Business Marketing Book award!.

You have 30 days to convert a user to a paying customer starting NOW. The clock is ticking. What will you do?

Collecting and analysing the messaging and strategies the leading e-commerce, software and service companies use as they convert trial users to customers in the most important 30 days after sign-up.

Each companies strategy is broken down and presented in an easy to use and understand visual guide. 30 days to sell is a must buy if you are looking to automate and improve new customer conversion.

This book covers:

Activation campaigns from the worlds leading web companies.

Easy reference guide - what message to send and when.

Full page examples of each marketing message.

Steal ideas from successful entrepreneurs, marketers and growth hackers.

Two new bonus chapters showcasing more activation campaigns.

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30 Days To Sell - Book

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