Old Film Grain Overlay 4K Classic | Snowman Digital

7 ratings

Get ready to add a touch of vintage charm to your videos with our latest upload - the 4K Old Film Grain Overlay. Unlike other overlays that have simply been scaled up, our overlay has been procedurally rendered at 4K to deliver the highest possible quality.

This overlay is perfect for anyone looking to give their videos that classic, old-film look. With its subtle grain and faded colours, it's the perfect way to add some nostalgia to your content. Whether you're creating a music video, fashion shoot, or indie film, this overlay is a must-have for any content creator or editor.

But what really sets this overlay apart is its quality. With its 4K resolution, you can be sure that your videos will look stunning on any device or platform. And because it's not simply scaled up like other overlays, you can be confident that you're getting the best possible quality.

included in the download is a .mp4 version and a pro res version.

So why wait? Add some vintage charm to your videos with the 4K Old Film Grain Overlay today. With its stunning quality and timeless appeal, it's the perfect way to take your content to the next level.

DO NOT upload and attempt to sell as your own work.

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4k .mp4 version and 4k Pro res version

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Old Film Grain Overlay 4K Classic | Snowman Digital

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