Profile PictureSeth Moldenhauer | AssiduousFitness

Welcome!  With my background as a former high level athlete (hockey), B.S. In Sports Medicine, experience as an ICU Nurse and Exercise Physiologist working in Cardiac Rehab and Personal Trainer, I have always had a passion for health and fitness After battling back from bilateral hip surgery at the age of 17, I have created a strong, powerful, and healthy body My PRs to this point are: Squat: 455 lbs Bench: 345 lbs Deadlift: 525 lbs I don't only talk the talk, but I walk the walk Throughout countless hours of coaching, research, and personal experience, I have gained the knowledge to help you achieve your goals  I truly believe that each individual cannot live their best life without making their physical health a priority I'm glad you're here and I can't wait to see your progress DM me on Twitter with any questions #alwayspursue


Aesthetic Revolution

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4 Day Split for Strength

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Beginner's Guide to Strength Training

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Fat Loss Frenzy: The Pursuit of a Healthier Life
