Account settings

In this article: 


To make sure any changes you make to your settings are permanent, always remember to click the "Update Settings" button at the bottom of the screen.

User details

The image shows a simplified user interface titled

The email address you provide here is used for logging in to Gumroad and receiving notifications and receipts for any purchases you make on the platform.


This image is a screenshot of a settings panel for notifications preferences within an application or a website. On the left side, there is a text section under the heading

You can customize the notifications you wish to receive via email or push notifications through the Gumroad Dashboard app. Don't want to receive email notifications for every $0 purchase? No problem, toggle off notifications for "Free downloads!"

Support email

The image displays a customer support contact section. The header

Your support email is the email address displayed on your customers' receipts. If left blank, your customers’ replies will go to the email provided in the "User details" section above.

Time zone

The time zone you select will also affect your sales and following dashboards.


The image features an interface element labeled

The "Sell in..." menu lets you choose the default currency for your products, but it's purely aesthetic. Gumroad charges customers in USD at the current exchange rate during purchase. 

If you live in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, or Hong Kong, please take note that the American Dollar is the only currency on Gumroad designated with the $ symbol. All other dollar currencies have their full currency indication on products. Thus, if you want to sell a product in Australian dollars, pick A$. 

For more information on how we handle currencies, check out this article.

Sales tax

The image shows a configuration setting for applying sales tax, with a label that reads

If you live in the United States and know that you need to remit sales tax in certain states, then choose those states here.

Profile name

You can change your Gumroad profile name on the Profile tab of the Settings page.


The image depicts a section of a payment settings page. The main header 'Settings' is prominent at the top, with a submenu beneath it that includes tabs for 'Settings,' 'Profile,' 'Team,' 'Payments' (which is highlighted indicating it's the active page), 'Password,' 'Third-party analytics,' and 'Advanced.'
Within the 'Payments' tab, the focus is on the 'Payout method' section. There are two selectable options for receiving payouts: 'Bank Account' and 'Debit Card,' each with a descriptive subtitle— 'Get paid out to your bank account' for the bank account option and 'Get paid out to your debit card' for the debit card option. Below this, there's a note that 'All sales will incur a 10% Gumroad fee + 2.9% + 30¢ credit card fee.'
Below the fee information, there's a field titled 'Pay to the order of' with a placeholder for the 'Full name of account holder.' Adjacent to this are fields for the 'Routing number' and 'Account number,' with a third field to 'Confirm account number,' which seems to be a measure to ensure that the account number is entered correctly. Example numbers are filled in the routing and account number fields.
At the bottom, the 'Account type' can be selected between 'Individual' (with the note 'When you are selling as yourself') and 'Business' (noted as 'When you are selling as a business'). To the right of the account type options, there is a question 'What type of account should I choose?' which likely links to additional information or guidance.
The overall design is clean and user-centric, aimed at providing a straightforward experience for users to set up their preferred method of receiving payments from sales.

Your payments page allows you to get paid for the products you sell on Gumroad.

You can read more about the payouts settings page here.

If you live in a country where PayPal Connect is enabled, you can connect your PayPal account below the Payout method. This allows customers to pay using PayPal

The image shows an interface for connecting a PayPal account to Gumroad. The title 'PayPal' is displayed prominently at the top with a 'Learn more' link underneath, which presumably provides additional information about PayPal integration.
The text explains that connecting a personal or business PayPal account will allow the user to accept payments with PayPal, and that purchases made with PayPal will be deposited into the user's PayPal account immediately. It also states that payments via PayPal are supported in every country except Brazil, India, Israel, Japan, Micronesia, Federated States of, and Türkiye.
Below this explanation, a note indicates that all sales will incur a 10% Gumroad fee, which is the fee charged by the platform facilitating these sales.
Lastly, there is a blue button labeled 'Connect with Paypal' featuring the PayPal logo, indicating that users can initiate the connection process by clicking on this button.


The image displays a password change interface within the 'Settings' section of a website or application. The main header 'Settings' is visible at the top, with a submenu below that includes tabs labeled 'Settings,' 'Profile,' 'Payout,' 'Payments,' 'Applications,' 'Password' (which is highlighted to indicate selection), and 'Advanced.'
Within the 'Password' tab, there's a section titled 'Change password' with two fields: one for 'Old password' and another for 'New password.' Both fields are empty, waiting for the user's input.
Below the password fields, there is a button with the label 'Change password' highlighted in a pink color, suggesting that once the old and new passwords are entered, clicking this button will initiate the password change process.

If you ever need to change your password, you can do that here


Your advanced settings allow you to: 

  1. Connect a custom domain.
  2. Mass block customer emails.
  3. Use Gumroad's Ping service to help automate specific post-sale tasks. 
  4. Create an application to tap into Gumroad's API.