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DGruwier Flashlight Textures
The Flashlight Textures library by David Gruwier is a collection of 50+ high resolution projectio...David GruwierCondensation shader
An easy way to set up a condensation effect on any surface you want with a few simple clicks!blenderismsMinx Eyes | Texture Pack
Designed by Fair for use in VRCHAT and IMVU.Includes:♡ 60 colors ♡♡ 1 eye mask ♡♡ Presets to fit ...FairNeko Eyes | Texture Pack
Designed by Fair for use in VRCHAT and IMVU.Includes:♡ 55 colors ♡♡ 2 eye mask ♡♡ Presets to fit ...Fair150 Custom Matcaps *2025 Matcap Included*
If you have any questions you can join my discord server 💜 Discord Server This bundle contains al...BriistormvrProcedural Wood Materials (Octane & Redshift)
Octane:22 fully procedural wood materials (no image textures)13 different wood typesBased on the ...New PlasticwParallax Rooms 1 // One-Click-Interiors for Archviz
wParallax Rooms 1 PackIncludes:- Total 30 EXR Maps (15 Day / 15 Night)- 3D Street Scene (3 Facade...wParallaxWishlists for Textures
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